2023 Henry Clifton Sorby Awardee

Professor Yuichi Ikuhara
Institute of Engineering Innovation,
School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

IMS Member Receiving ASM Fellow in 2023

In 1969, ASM established the Fellow of the Society honor to provide recognition to members for their distinguished contributions to materials science and engineering and to develop a broadly based forum of technical and professional leaders to serve as advisors to the society. ASM will recognize the 2023 Class of Fellows at the Annual Awards Banquet held during IMAT’23, on Tuesday, October 17th, in Detroit, MI. Tickets can be purchased with IMAT registration.

Following are the members recognized by their colleagues for 2023. Additional Fellows may be elected to this distinguished body in subsequent years. The solicited guidance, which the Fellows will provide, will enhance the capability of ASM as a technical community of materials science and engineering in the years ahead.

Dr. Laura E. Moyer, FASM
Metallography, Light Optical Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction Manager
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA

 “For outstanding leadership and technical contributions to the education of personnel in both manufacturing and academia to be beneficial to the field of materials science and engineering.”

Learn More>

IMS  Member Receiving ASM Award Program in 2023

Bronze Medal Award Established in 2014, the honor of Bronze Medal of the Society recognizes ASM members who are in early-career positions, typically, 0 to 10 years of experience, for their significant contributions in the field of materials science and engineering through technical content and service to ASM and the materials science profession.

Dr. Christopher J. Marvel

Assistant Professor,
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
Louisiana State University

“For significant contributions in the field of Materials Science and Engineering through his work as an Assistant Professor, Research Scientist, as the former Associate Director of the NHI, and COO of GrainBound, as well as his continued volunteerism with ASM.”

Learn more>

2022 MMA Editor’s Choice Articles Announced

Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis Editor-in-Chief Ryan Deacon recently announced this year’s Editor’s Choice articles, showcasing six of the high-quality articles that were published in the journal in 2022. They are free to read and can be shared with your colleagues.

We hope you enjoy reading these articles, and we extend our congratulations to the authors of these high-quality papers!

As a reminder, IMS members receive free online access to Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis

Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis

Call for Papers

Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis (MMA), the official journal of the International Metallographic Society, is actively seeking manuscripts.

For more information about Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, including full instructions for authors, please visit the journal homepage or submit online.

Image of the Month

The Micrograph Database is looking for more images to add to this growing library and more volunteers to help select and review submitted images. Would you like to see your images in the database? Or do you love micrographs and want to volunteer some time to help the database grow? Contact dana.m.drake@gmail.com for more information.

Crystal Bouquet

This image is the winner of Class 4 (Artistic Microscopy – Color) in the 2023 International Metallographic Contest. The contest was held during the International Materials, Applications & Technologies Conference and Exhibition in Detroit in October. This winning entry, called, “Crystal Bouquet,” was submitted by Michelle Chambers of Eurofins | EAG Laboratories. The image was captured on a Tescan Mira SEM at a magnification of 3130x. The image was colored in Photoshop.

View past Images of the Month >