Seeking Board Nominations for the 2023 SMST Board

Seeking Student Board Members for the 2023 SMST Board or Student Board Member Program

Society News

ASM’s 2022 Class of Fellows

In 1969, ASM established the Fellow of the Society honor to provide recognition to members for their distinguished contributions to materials science and engineering and to develop a broadly based forum of technical and professional leaders to serve as advisors to the society.  Following are the members recognized by their colleagues for 2022.  Additional Fellows may be elected to this distinguished body in subsequent years.  The solicited guidance, which the Fellows will provide, will enhance the capability of ASM as a technical community of materials science and engineering in the years ahead.

ASM will recognize the 2022 Class of Fellows as well as the Class of 2021, and 2020 at a celebration during IMAT 2022, scheduled for September 12-15, 2022, in New Orleans, LA.

Dr. Othmane Benafan, FASM
Materials Research Engineer
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Cleveland, OH

“For exceptional scientific contributions to the field of shape memory alloys research and technology.”


Dr. Ryan Evans, FASM
Director-Research and Development
The Timken Company
North Canton, OH

“For significant contributions in the development and commercialization of thin-film coatings and surface-engineering solutions to improve the performance of tribological contacts.”

2022 ASM Award Program Recipients

The ASM International Board of Trustees has named award program recipients for 2022. The awards program recognizes achievements of members of the materials science and engineering community. Awards will be presented at ASM’s Awards Dinner, Tuesday, September 13th in New Orleans, LA during IMAT22. Tickets for the Awards Dinner can be ordered by using the IMAT registration form. We are also looking forward to recognizing the 2020, and 2021 Award Recipients who will be in attendance. 

Gold Medal
Prof. Glenn S. Daehn, FASM, Professor and Mars G. Fontana Chair, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH

“For creative and impactful development and dissemination of materials science and technology, including impulse welding, joining and forming, and deployment of materials science in numerous K-12 classrooms.”

The medal was established in 1943 to recognize outstanding knowledge and great versatility in the application of science to the field of materials science and engineering, as well as exceptional ability in the diagnosis and solution of diversified materials problems.

Nominate a candidate for William J. Buehler Award

2021 SMST Founders’ Grant winner announced to be awarded at the SMST 2024 event

What’s New

CASMART student challenge at SMST 2022 conference

The SMST NewsWire is essential for shape memory professionals who want reliable, up-to-date information and will cover shape memory and superelastic technologies for biomedical, actuator applications, and emerging markets, along with SMST news and initiatives.

Shape Memory and Superelasticity Editor-in-Chief Hüseyin Sehitoglu recently announced this year’s Editor’s Choice articles, showcasing six of the high-quality articles that were published in the journal in 2021. They are free to read and can be shared with your colleagues. To see and read the articles, please click here! We hope you enjoy reading these articles, and we extend our congratulations to the authors of these high-quality papers!