Membership & Networking

Membership & Networking

The EDFAS Community provides you with the tools, the environments and the opportunities to connect to everyone you need to know! Registered Users can access the Forums and ask the critical questions that only our experienced members know the answers to. Members get full access to the entire membership through the membership directory, through expertise finder and through personal interaction on committees, event planning, teaching courses, participating in conferences and expos and more!

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Add us on social media sites to get updates on what's going on in the society, discuss questions with other members, read interesting news, and more. Plus, sometimes we throw in jokes that only engineers could love.

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Get Involved

EDFAS committees channel member involvement into tangible programs, products and services. These committees stay on top of technical advances and other areas of member interest. By doing so, they bring new information to the members of EDFAS through products and services including:

  • Conference and exposition programming

  • 课程开发

  • Reference and periodical publications

  • Research and development planning and implementation

Get involved, get connected and get ahead by becoming an EDFAS volunteer.