TSS Hall of Fame

TSS Hall of Fame

The Thermal Spray Hall of Fame, established in 1993 by the Thermal Spray Society of ASM International, is a means of recognizing and honoring outstanding leaders who have made significant contributions to the science, technology, practice, education, management and advancement of Thermal Spraying. The Thermal Spray Hall of Fame is a bond between our industry's past and its future.

Nomination deadline is September 30.

TSS Hall of Fame Rules

Nomination Link Request (pdf)


Support the Hall of Fame Award Program

Hall of Fame Award Travel Grant Program

ASM-TSS recognizes the contribution of its pioneers and champion that have made significant contribution to the field of thermal spray technology. Each year we celebrate between 1-3 Hall of Fame nominees. Consider supporting the travel cost of successful HoF inductees who wish to attend the award ceremony, typically held during ITSC. The intention of this program is to support those inductees who have restricted funding opportunities, the HoF travel grant does not substitute any company support. Any funds not used in a given year will be directed to support student and emerging professional activities.

$50.00 Support$100.00 Support

$500.00 Support$1,000.00 Support